Delete a Part in Exact MAX ERP
You can delete a part from the part master by clicking the Delete key when the part is displayed on any of the tabs other than BOM. To delete a part, all of the following conditions must be met:
1. The part cannot be a component or a parent in any product structure. To verify that it has been deleted in all product structures, use the Visual BOM to display the part in an Explosion and an Implosion.
2. The part cannot have any inventory stored in nettable or non-nettable locations.
3. The part cannot have open or closed orders of any kind. To verify this, use either Display MPS Schedule or Display MRP Detail, depending on the part type code.
4. The part cannot have a routing for the shop floor.
5. The part cannot have a part/vendor relationship. To verify this, use Maintain Vendor Part Data).
6. The part cannot have a part sales record. To verify this, use Part Sales Data.
7. If you are using Manufacturer’s Part Control, the part cannot have a manufacturer’s part record. To verify this, select Activity > Part Master > MPN tab and browse for the Part ID. The MPN tab should display no information.
8. If you are creating Purchase Order Receipts, the part cannot have any unposted Purchase Order Receipt records. To verify this, use Unposted Receipt Reports (see Purchasing Control Reports Menu) to request inventory receipts by part identifier and include vouchered receipts.
9. For Multiple Cost users, cost set data should not remain in Exact MAX 5.5 for the part. With Supervisory rights, corresponding cost set data will be deleted along with the part.
If any of these conditions have not been satisfied, one of the following error messages will be displayed:
Error, Record is Already Being Used
Error, Part is in Use as a Parent
Error, On-Hand Greater than Zero
Error, Routing Exist for Part
Error, Order for this Part Exists
Error, Part Sales Data Exists
MPN Master Records Exist
Error, Part Vendor Exists for "VENID"
Error, Requirement Exists for Part
Error, Non-Nettable On-Hand > 0