Rename a computer that hosts a stand alone instance of SQL Server
After changing a computer name, how do you reset the computer name in SQL server so that its name matches the computer name When you change the name of the computer that is running SQL Server, the new name is recognized during SQL Server startup. You do not have to run Setup again to reset…
MAX Test Environment Setup
Updating Your MAX Test Environment NOTE: It is highly recommended that at least one workstation dedicated to use with your MAX Test Environment. STEP 1 – Update your RMTestServer to the same release as your RMServer. 1. Select all files folders in \\Exact\RMServer\Net and copy them to \\Exact\RMTestServer\Net. STEP 2 – Update your RMTestServer to…
Get Dynamics Configuration Data from the Database
This query allows you to get configuration data from the Dynamics DB directly.
Cursor to Take All SQL User DBs Off-Line
CREATE PROCEDURE SP_TakeOfflineAllDatabase AS BEGIN DECLARE @db sysname, @q varchar(max); DECLARE cur_db CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE owner_sid <> 0x01; OPEN cur_db; WHILE 1=1 BEGIN FETCH NEXT FROM cur_db INTO @db; IF @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0 BREAK; SET @q = N’ALTER DATABASE [‘ + @db + N’] SET OFFLINE WITH NO_WAIT’; EXEC(@q); END; CLOSE…
How to use the Bulk Copy Process (BCP) to export Microsoft Dynamics GP data from one database and import data into a new database
In order to downgrade SQL for a move of GP data files to an unsupported version you must perform this task to rebuild the GP database in an earlier version. https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/875179/how-to-use-the-bulk-copy-process-bcp-to-export-microsoft-dynamics-gp-d Vince
DYNAMICS GP & SQL Server and OS Versions for Upgrades
DYNAMICS GP & SQL Server and OS Versions Dynamics 10 (Off Support) Windows Server 2008 R2 , 2003 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP 4 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP 2 or SP 3 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 with or without SP 1 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 NOTE: Service Pack 5 or later for Microsoft…
Use WIndows Power Shell to Script SQL Jobs from one instance to another
Open Powershell Execute Invoke-Sqlcmd Execute $output = "d:\ScheduledJobs.sql" Execute Remove-Item $output Execute Set-Location SQLSERVER:\SQL\localhost\DEFAULT\JobServer\Jobs Execute # loop through jobs appending output Lastly Execute dir | %{$_.script() + "`n`nGO`n`n" | out-file -append $output} Do the above one line at a time then take the output ScheduledJobs.sql go to the new server and open Management Studio and…
How to Manage Custom Crystal Reports in MAX ERP 5.5.8
How to Manage Custom Crystal Reports In the RMServer\NET\Updates folder there is a new folder named CustomReports. This folder is where customized versions of the reports should be kept. A check is done each time System Manager is launched, this check will copy any updated reports from RMServer\NET\Updates\CustomReports to the client machines C:\Exact\RMClient\EFW folder. This…
Troubleshooting Exchange Integration (checklist)
Troubleshooting Exchange Integration (checklist) Introduction The integration between Exact Synergy Enterprise and Microsoft Exchange (2010 and higher) is based on Windows Services. The background job used in the previous Microsoft Exchange application is no longer applicable for Microsoft Exchange 2010 (and higher) integration. Two Windows Services can easily be installed via MSI installation process. For…