- Yield (Eng Tab)
- Increases the Requirement on all order by dividing by the Yield %
- Is used in the Cost Roll so increases the cost, it is used throughout MAX for the costing calculations on orders, assemblies and in Cost Sets.
i. There is a default GL for Yield for WIP Calculations. Difference in WIP due to Yield. This account can be used to zero out the WIP account when a shop order is received for a part with a yield less than 100%. Inventory was issued to shop order without yield, and the shop order received including yield cost. This leaves a credit in WIP for the yield cost. (If you do not want to use this account to zero out WIP, give it the same account number as your WIP account.)
ii. YIELD has a transaction type code of B
** Care should be taken when introducing YIELD because it touches every aspect of production and costing.
- Scrap % (Eng Tab)
- Is calculated and is a reference to compare to Planned Yield. It is determined by the actual scrap (Post Operation Scrap) you do during production by using the Scrap Transaction. In Shop Floor Control, Recalculate Part Yield is used to update the value in this entry.
MAX has default account types for Scrap: OPRSCRP>>WIP(Bulk and Normal), SUBSCRAP>>SUBCNTCT(Vendor Subcontract & Bulk for BOM and Routing Methods) >> Repetitive Transactions too.
- Scrap (BOM Tab)
- This is the scrap applied to the parent component relationship and will also include the yield e.g. if B is a component of A and the structure has a scrap of 5%, and if A has a requirement for 100, then the requirement for B is calculated as 105. If B was also given a planned yield in the Part Master, the planned order quantity for B will be equal to the requirement quantity (105 in this example) divided by the yield. The default is ZERO. If the Scrap Factor is 5%, enter 5 in this field.
- Planned Scrap %
- Part Routing – the amount of scrap (expressed as a percentage) planned for an operation. Routing Maintenance displays in the Planned Scrap% field. If the Yield Calculation configuration item is set to Yes using System Manager > Activity > System Configuration > Shop Floor Control, Planned Scrap Percentage rolls up through the routing when the SFC user performs a cost rollup.
- In various places in MAX “Deduct Scrap” can be seen such as in the Issues Grid, Scrapping also involves the use of the Defect Codes as defined in SFC.
- System Manager has the switches:
- Yielded Order Quantity Logic which increases the onhand amount it uses “Planned Scrap” which in MAX the amount of the Yield entered for the part. Don’t confuse this with the other terms – Yield is considered to be a Planned amount that you intend to “Scrap”.
- Planned Scrap % – The amount of scrap (expressed as a percentage) that you plan to have at this operation. If the Yield Calculation flag in Configuration Editor/ Shop Floor Control is set to Yes, then this value will be rolled up through the routing when you perform a cost rollup. The total calculated value will then overwrite the planned yield field in the Part Master table.