Updating Your MAX Test Environment
NOTE: It is highly recommended that at least one workstation dedicated to use with your MAX Test Environment.
STEP 1 – Update your RMTestServer to the same release as your RMServer. 1. Select all files folders in \\Exact\RMServer\Net and copy them to \\Exact\RMTestServer\Net.
STEP 2 – Update your RMTestServer to the latest MAX Batch. 1. Download the MAX Batch to a temporary folder on your server. 2. Open the MAX Batch self-extracting executable file. 3. Extract the contents of the file to \\Exact\RMTestServer\.
STEP 3 – Create a company to be used for your test. 1. Login to your live production company. 2. Select System Manager è Options Create New Company. 3. Fill in the required information on the Create New Company dialog being sure to check Make Test Environment Company.
Note: If you want to test with MAX Sample Company data also check Make Sample Company and skip STEP 4.
STEP 4 – Backup/Restore your company database. 1. Backup your live production database. 2. Restore the backup of your live production database to your test company.
STEP 5 1, 2 – Update client workstation to run in your MAX Test Environment. 1. Login to your live production company on the workstation you will use for testing. 2. Select System Manager è Help è Batch Information. 3. Check Test Server and click OK. 4. Logout of MAX. 5. Log back into MAX selecting the MAX Company created in STEP 3. Note: that only Test Environment Companies will be available.
STEP 6 – If your live MAX system is integrated with Great Pains Dynamics or QuickBooks, disable the integration in your test company before entering any data. 1 – CAUTION: Once you have logged into the MAX Test Environment (MAX Test Company) you will not be able to use the same MAX client to log into your MAX Production environment (MAX Production Company) until your MAX Production Environment has been updated to the same or later version as your MAX Test Environment. In order for a MAX Client to connect to a MAX Production Environment that is at an earlier release the MAX Client must be uninstalled and re-installed. 2 – Your client needs to have SQL or SQL Client Tools installed in order to run the MAX 5.5.0 Database Updates.