Here’s a chart of the Exact MAX GL Account Table Default Codes. You can use this in comparison with the GL Account Report in financial integration to audit the table.
GL Default Account ID | Account Name | Normal Balance Type |
ACCTPAY | Accounts Payable | Credit |
ACCTREC | Accounts Receivable | Debit |
ADJCHRG | Adjustment (Reduction or increase) to Stock Expense | Debit or Credit |
BULKWIP | Default Bulk WIP Account | Debit |
COMISEXP | Commission Expense | Debit |
COMISPAY | Commission Payable | Credit |
CSTOFSLS | Cost of Sales | Debit |
CYCCHRG | Cycle Count (reduction or increase) Expense | Debit or Credit |
DISCACT | Sales Discount | Debit |
FRTACT | Freight Income | Credit |
FOREXCAP | Foreign Exchange Accounts Payable | Credit or Debit |
FOREXCAR | Foreign Exchange Accounts Receivable | Credit or Debit |
INDIRECT | Indirect Labor. Only used with Labor Tracking Module | Credit |
INFRGHT | Freight Expense | Debit |
INVREVAL | Inventory Revaluation | Debit or Credit |
LABRVAR | Labor Variance (offset account for WIP) for difference in Labor Applied | Debit or Credit |
LBRAPPLD | Labor Applied | Credit |
LBROHVAR | Labor Overhead Variance (offset account for WIP) for difference in Labor Overhead Applied | Debit or Credit |
LOHAPPLD | Labor Overhead Applied | Credit |
MATLVAR | Material Variance (offset account for WIP) for difference in Material Applied | Debit or Credit |
MCROUND | Multicurrency Rounding for any rounding errors encountered by MAX | Debit or Credit |
MOHAPPLD | Material Overhead Applied | Credit |
MSCACT | Miscellaneous Income | Credit |
NONINREC | Non-Inventory Purchase Receipt | Credit |
OPERSCRP | Work-in-process Scrap Expense | Debit |
PDISCACT | Purchasing Discount Account | Debit |
PURCHREC | Purchase Order Receipt | Credit |
PURPRVAR | Purchase Price Variance | Debit or Credit |
REPWIP | Repetitive Work-in-process | Debit or Credit |
REPSCRAP | Repetitive Scrap | Debit or Credit |
REVALFOH | Inventory Revaluation Account for Material Overhead Distribution | Debit or Credit |
REVALLAB | Inventory Revaluation Account for Labor Distribution | Debit or Credit |
REVALMTL | Inventory Revaluation Account for Material Distribution | Debit or Credit |
REVALSUB | Inventory Revaluation Account for Subcontract Distribution | Debit or Credit |
REVALVOH | Inventory Revaluation Account for Labor Overhead Distribution | Debit or Credit |
REVALYLD | Inventory Revaluation Account for Yield Distribution | Debit or Credit |
SALRPAY | Salary Payable | Debit |
SLSACT | Sales | Debit or Credit |
SPV | Sub-contract Purchase Variance | Debit or Credit |
STGEWORK | Staged Raw Material for Sub-contractors | Debit |
SUBCNREC | Sub-contract Receipts | Credit |
SUBCNTCT | Sub-contract Material | Debit |
SUBCNVAR | Sub-contract Variance | Debit or Credit |
SUBSCRAP | Sub-contract Scrap | Debit |
UNPLNISS | Unplanned Issue | Debit |
UNPLNREC | Unplanned Receipt | Credit |
WIP | Work-in-process Inventory | Debit |
WARRES | Warranty Reserve | Credit |
YIELD | Difference in WIP due to Yield. | Debit or Credit |
This account can be used to zero out the WIP account when a shop order is received for a part with a yield less than 100%. Inventory was issued to shop order without yield, and the shop order received including yield cost. This leaves a credit in WIP for the yield cost. (If you do not want to use this account to zero out WIP, give it the same account as your WIP account.) |