Just in case you had not become aware of it MAX has additional command line options for …
Command Line Options:
Sales Order Post
\ALL (All orders. If not \ALL then \TYPE and \INDIVIDUAL must be used)
\TYPE:X (where X is "O","C" or "B". O stands for Sales Order, C for Credit Memo and B for Both)
\INDIVIDUAL:xxxx (where xxxx is the Order or Credit Memo)
\SELECTIONTYPE:X (Required when Consolidated Option is picked. X is "O","C" or "B".
O stands for Sales Order, C for Customer and B for BOL)
\INVOICEDATE:YYYYMMDD (to set invoice date to date other than the default of today’s date)
Example: \SOPOST \TYPE:O \INDIVIDUAL:20000018 \INVOICEDATE:20130501
Voucher Post:
\ALL (All vouchers. If not \ALL then \TYPE and \INDIVIDUAL must be used)
\TYPE:X (where X is "V", Voucher and "O" is Order)
\INDIVIDUAL:xxxx (where xxxx is the Voucher or Order)
Example: \VPOST \TYPE:V \INDIVIDUAL:00000013
GL Post:
\ALL (All unposted GL Transactions. If not \ALL then \TYPE and \INDIVIDUAL must be used)
\TYPE:XXXXX (where X is "D" or "B". D stands for Transactino Date, B for Batch)
\INDIVIDUAL:xxxx (where the date in YYYYMMDD format or the Batch)
\SUMMARY (to specify Summary posting. If not specified then it will be a detailed posting)
Example: \GLPOST \TYPE:D \INDIVIDUAL:20130501
Cost Rollup:
\ALL:YYYYMMDD (a date must be specified)
\SPECIFIC:xxxxxx (where xxxxxx is a Part ID
\EXPLOSION (Rollup Type – should only use one of the 3 options Explosion, Implosion or Neither )
\UPDATEPARTMASTER (to save costs to Part Master)
\UPDATECOSTSET:xx (to save costs to a cost set)
\COSTSETSOURCE:xx (The source cost set)
\ALTBOM (optional alternate BOM to use)
\ALTRTG (optional alternate Routing to use)
\LABORINFO:01 (the labor info to use)
Post Order Closure:
\ALL (for all Orders. Use \ORDER for a specific order)
\ORDER:xxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxx is the Order Number)