When editing forms
Edit the version that is in your local MAX folder
The reason for this is you need to run the forms in MAX to test them. So – edit in your local folder and run the sales order or invoice to check your changes.
Once you are done editing then copy Forms to this folder
When a user logs out of MAX and logs back in these reports will be copied down to the workstation for that person.
How to Manage Custom Crystal Reports
In the RMServer\NET\Updates folder there is a new folder named CustomReports. This folder is where customized versions of the reports should be kept.
A check is done each time System Manager is launched, this check will copy any updated reports from RMServer\NET\Updates\CustomReports to the client machines C:\Exact\RMClient\EFW folder.
This is a significant change in functionality from previous releases of MAX, a batch install will not overwrite any files in this folder so any report customizations will be kept intact through a batch release. Also, if any time an additional customization is needed that change can be saved into this folder and each client will get that report update automatically the next time they log into MAX.
There is also a new menu item in System Manager – Options – Custom Report Validator. This will bring up a window that will list all the reports in the RMServer\NET\Updates\CustomReports folder which have a newer version of the report existing in the C:\Exact\RMClient\EFW folder. This would imply that a client update copied a version of the report which is newer than the customized version.