A common request I get from customers is the need to sequence their parts on Pick Lists and in Engineering Reports. MAX sorts by the default Primary Clustered Key PRTNUM_01 (Part Master) or PARPRT_02 in the Product Structure. You can check this login in the Max Sample Company in Management Studio. Have Fun!
/* You can configure sequence numbers for Bills of Materials by using the UDFKEY and labelling it in the
Utilities User Designed Fields Module */
/*Use this Code below to either create a SQL Command in Crystal Reports or write a customer SSRS Report
Pick List for Kitting */
SET @Part = ‘11000’
select ps.PARPRT_02, ps.COMPRT_02, ps.EFFDTE_02, CAST(ps.UDFKEY_02 as float) as SQN
product_structure ps
inner join
select es.PARPRT_02, es.COMPRT_02, es.EFFDTE_02 as effdte