DOS MAX to Exact MAX 5.5.4 – Recognize these?
Many companies are still running older versions of MAX even DOS MAX. We can convert and bring you up to the current level. Contact me and I can assist you. Vince Stefanetti Senior Consultant
Many companies are still running older versions of MAX even DOS MAX. We can convert and bring you up to the current level. Contact me and I can assist you. Vince Stefanetti Senior Consultant
Below is a recursive CTE that does a multi-level explosion for the current effective date. ;with mlBOM as ( select PARPRT_02, COMPRT_02 , QTYPER_02, EFFDTE_02 from Product_Structure WHERE PARPRT_02 = ‘ENTER PARENT PART’ union all — CTE recursion select n.PARPRT_02, n.COMPRT_02 , n.QTYPER_02, N.EFFDTE_02 from Product_Structure n inner join mlBOM c on c.COMPRT_02…
Web: Training: Portal:
Then get: Msg 5834, Level 16, State 1, Line 1The affinity mask specified conflicts with the IO affinity mask specified. Use the override option to force this configuration. Use this to fix it: sp_configure ‘Allow Updates’, 0RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE
SELECT SUM(COST_15 * RUNTTL_15) AS EXTFROM dbo.Transaction_History AS THINNER JOIN (SELECT PRTNUM_15 AS PART, STKID_15 AS STK, CAST(MAX(CAST(CONVERT(DATE, TNXDTE_15, 120) AS CHAR(10)) + ‘ ‘ + LEFT(TNXTIM_15, 2) + ‘:’ + SUBSTRING(TNXTIM_15, 3, 2) + ‘:’ + RIGHT(TNXTIM_15, 2)) AS DATETIME) AS DTFROM dbo.Transaction_HistoryWHERE (TNXCDE_15 IN (‘A’, ‘C’, ‘I’, ‘R’, ‘S’, ‘N’, ‘T’, ‘F’)) AND…
To solve this you need to grant permissions in the folders to the service account you used to run the SQL Server services Vincent Stefanetti
Right click the cell you want to use to go to the other report Select Text Box Properties Select Action Select Go to report Specify a report and select the one you created that you want to go to. Note: The report you are going to needs to have the same settings as the parameters…
UPDATE Part_Master SET RECVEN_01 = VENID_10from Part_Master as P INNER join Order_Master as O ON P.PRTNUM_01 = O.PRTNUM_10WHERE EXISTS(SELECT PRTNUM_10, VENID_10FROM Part_Master as P join Order_Master as O ON P.PRTNUM_01 = O.PRTNUM_10WHERE TYPE_01 = ‘B’ OR TYPE_01 = ‘O’GROUP BY PRTNUM_10, VENID_10)
Click Series Properties – Action – fx – under Category select Parameters and select the parameter value