Setting up SQL triggers on the MAX database
Setting up SQL triggers on the MAX database or scheduling jobs can be very helpful in coordinating business logic and workflows. Contact me to learn more about how you can use these tools.
Setting up SQL triggers on the MAX database or scheduling jobs can be very helpful in coordinating business logic and workflows. Contact me to learn more about how you can use these tools.
Crystal Reports Bar Code DLL U2LBAR.DLL Exact MAX Support Exact MAX Support – Physical Inventory Module You may have occasioned the error in printing tags in the Physical Inventory Module. Error in file PrimTags {8CBE430D0-EF56-4A59-9D1A-B52080D3DBOC}RPT: Error in Formula TagnumberBarCodeCurr: “While printing Records; UFL’u2lbar.dll’that implements this function is missing. You’ll need to copy the u2lbar.dll file…
In the RMServer\NET\Updates folder there is a new folder named CustomReports. This folder is where customized versions of the reports should be kept. A check is done each time System Manager is launched, this check will copy any updated reports from RMServer\NET\Updates\CustomReports to the client machines C:\Exact\RMClient\EFW folder. This is a significant change in functionality…