Description: Can a port other than 8080 be used for ExactRMService?
Suggested Solution: In MAX 5.0 design this is a hidden feature. It is hidden and not documented because it is not recommended to change the standard port. If there is already a service running on port 8080 and it cannot be changed the following steps below will allow you to change the port that the ExactRMService runs on.
This feature should only be changed in a critical condition where port 8080 is used by another application and it is not possible to change that other application to another port. Customers need to be informed that they are responsible to validate all these settings are working correctly before contacting Technical Support with any connection or authentication issues. Customers should also be aware that Technical Support will probably reqeust they disable the conflicting application and test their connection with the ExactRMService running on port 8080 to validate that the issue is not being caused by the change of ports.
Close all running MAX Clients. This step is to make sure none of the MAX clients are connected to the MAX server while it is being reconfigured.
On the MAX Server:
- Stop the ExactRMService.
- Use a text editor to edit the Keys.xml file in the \Exact\RMServer\LIC folder and change the port to number desired. Save the file
- Copy this Keys.xml file into the c:\Windows\<System Folder> folder. On 32bit Windows operating systems, the <System Folder> will be the System32 folder while on 64 bit Windows operating systems, this is going to be the SysWOW64 folder.
- Using Regedit to create the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ExactRM\ExactRM\
- In the ExactRM database on the Primary SQL server run the query below to set the port in the database, don’t forget to replace the 8080 with the port you will actually be using:
UPDATE Keys SET KeyValue = ‘8080’ WHERE KeyName = ‘Port’
- Configure any firewall software to allow the port to be used by the ExactRMService.
- Restart the ExactRMService to start using the new port.
- On each MAX client workstation, update the Keys.xml in the \Exact\RMClient\EFW folder. This can be accomplished by copying the file modified on the server in the \Exact\RMServer\LIC folder or by manually editing it on each client.