Exact MAX TNXCD_58 Field
Exact MAX Training Work General Ledger Table
I think you’ll find this data useful in trying to comprehend the actuality of the function that was introduced in 5.5.3.
First the short answer, if TNXID_58 = 0 that means the entry cannot be tied to a single Transaction History entry. For AP and AR transactions they are always 0 because the From-To would have to do significant extra work to determine if the entry was from one or multiple transactions and in the case of AR it cannot accurately determine if it was one or many anyways.
The From-To is not an accurate representation of AP and AR transactions, those transaction do not post through the From-To report and there is additional information that posts on those transactions that the From-To is not designed to show. Also, the From-To charge report does not create any Work General Ledger entries for AR and AP, those entries are created by the Sales Order and Voucher posting processes.
If you want to see what posted, you should create a report on the Work General Ledger table, the From-To is only valid and accurate for GL transactions, and only at the time they are posting, if you change costs and re-run the From-To is will show some different results.
AR cannot tie to a single transaction and so TNXID is blank. There could be multiple shipments on a single sales order line item that produces a single Work GL Entry, therefore TNXID is blank because it cannot be determined. Also, the way AR works, if there are multiple transactions on a single line item there is no way to determine which of them were posted on the particular invoice in questions and which may have posted on previous invoices. The Sales Order posting process does not fill in the TNXID because it never looks at Transaction History, the process would be significantly slowed down if it had to look through transaction History to attempt to determine if there had been only one transaction on this line item, and in many cases it would determine that there had been multiple and still need to write a 0 in the record.
AP is basically the same thing, there can be multiple PO Receipts for each PO line item. While the PO Receipts can be tied to a specific voucher, the From-To does not look at those records and it would involve significant extra time to attempt to look up the data to include on the report. Since the Work General Ledger entries for AP are not created by the From-To there is no point in slowing down the process to look up this information. Voucher posting does have a reference to a TNXID on the PO Receipts record, and when it is the only receipt on the line it will fill in the TNXID_58. A zero is used for the header records which typically are a summary of multiple lines, as well as the tax, freight and misc lines which are related to the header information not the line items.
Also, one big question would be, are they using Stock Revaluation, if they are not then a very likely source of difference in inventory would be cost changes on parts and cost rolls. Even if they are using Stock Revaluation, changes to Labor Rates on work centers and in the System Switches are not captured by Stock Revaluation. So any changes to Labor Rate could throw off the numbers a little. If changes are going to be made to labor rates, it would be recommended to post everything, change the labor rate, run a cost roll and then begin transacting again, to minimize the errors caused by changing labor rates.
Oh, and the inventory number can be off if they have not run the From-To and posted the Stock Revaluation changes after doing a cost roll.
Finally, any data created by a MAX version prior to 5.5.3 will not have TNXID_58 filled in.